An average cabinet re-finish costs between $3,000 and $6,000. Quality cabinets cost at least $15,000-$25,000.

Kitchen remodels can transform a house into a home. They can also transform a remodel into a re-finance. if you don’t control costs, it will be the most expensive room in the house. Kitchens carry expensive fixed costs (appliances, counter tops, tile and cabinets).
The easiest way to save money on a kitchen is to refinish existing cabinets instead of purchasing new ones. Not only are new cabinets expensive, many times they are made from lesser quality materials. Lumber prices have evolved over the years, and so has lumber quality. It’s simply not feasible to use large, expensive cuts of wood anymore. So why not recycle existing materials , save money, and get exactly what you want?

The re-finish process is tricky, but a client can achieve basically any look they desire. A dark oak kitchen can morph into an all white beach house, or vice versa. We start by removing doors, sanding and cleaning. We then prime and paint using alkyd and precatilized finishes, or we stain and lacquer. Hardware can also be switched out to taste. It all depends on client preference. Each kitchen re-finish is different and that’s what transforms a house into a home.

So, if you are over budget or behind schedule, think about re-finishing cabinets instead of purchasing new ones. Refinishing cabinets is cheaper, faster and its even the green thing to do!